Ragdoll Cats – Shoulder Riders For Every Home And Family

Ragdoll cats are one of the newest breeds. Gentle and easygoing as they are, the breed has become very popular.
A silky coat, semi-long hair, blue eyes, a long tail, short legs and a large body: ragdolls are remarkable. And with their seal, blue, chocolate, red, cream and lilac colors and various color patterns, many find them simply irresistible.

The name is said to be derived from the ability of these cats to become totally relaxed when picked up.

Californian breeder Ann Baker came up with the breed in the early sixties. Her Persian-Angora like Josephine is supposed to have started it all. Baker spread the wildest stories to promote her breed. At some point, she even claimed these cats were linked to space aliens.

Don’t worry. If you buy a ragdoll, you are not accommodating ET, but a beautiful, affectionate, family-friendly pet that is said to be the ultimate shoulder rider.

“The ragdoll is the gentle giant of the domestic feline world and the perfect cat for the 21st century”, writes Gary Strobel in his acclaimed Guide to Owning a Ragdoll Cat, and owners of this breed will agree this is true.

You won’t have to visit California to buy such a gentle giant nowadays.

There are 500 breeders worldwide, and the breed has become so popular that breeders find it difficult to meet the demand.

Only pedigree papers certify you have a legitimately called ragdoll. Looks alone are not enough. So if your cat comes – without documents – from an animal shelter, you cannot be sure if it is a ragdoll.

Ragdoll cats are perfect for people who like dogs too. They are loyal to their owner and are devoted to you just like a dog. Still they are playful. It is said they run and jump like no other cats.

Children love this cat breed, and it is very likely you will love them too.

Although they are semi-longhaired, ragdoll cats shed little and require only minimal grooming.