How To Care For Your Sphynx Cat


Although the Sphynx cats are hairless they are not maintenance free. Because the Sphynx does not have fur to absorb the natural oils of their skin, they require weekly bathing. Household dirt from your home will cling to this oil and it will look like your kitty has been outside playing in the sand box. Some Sphynx require more bathing than others. I suggest bathing once a week so they become adjusted to the bathing routine. After that, you can determine the particular needs of your cat and bathe them only when they need it.

When bathing your Sphynx cat or Sphynx kitten always be sure to use only products that are cat approved. I will provide you with a product list when you are ready to adopt a kitten. You can bathe your Sphynx in the kitchen sink, the bathtub, or even let them in the shower with you. Be sure to check the water to make sure that it is not too cold or too hot.

If you have a kitty that isn’t very happy with their bath, try running the water before you bring your cat into the room where you are going to bathe them so they are not afraid. Always be sure to keep one hand on them and they will feel much more secure. Also, be very careful not to get soap in their eyes and mouth, this can make them very uncomfortable.

Most Sphynx tolerate their baths very well and some really love it. Just try and make their bath time as pleasant as possible. After their bath, dry them off thoroughly and reward them with a treat. Then be sure to give them lots of love.

Their ears also need routine weekly cleaning. It is not difficult, but it is a necessity. It is easiest just after their bath when they are all wrapped up in their towel. To clean their ears I use a washcloth to wipe them out first. Then put a few drops of ear cleaner in and massage the base of the ear. This will loosen the dirt so it is easier to get out. Then a Q-Tip to remove any dirt that you can visibly see. Never go beyond what you can see and never point the Q-Tip in towards their head. This will push the dirt further in. Be sure to always keep their ears as clean as possible. This greatly reduces the chance of bacterial ear infections. If you have never cleaned a cats ears before it is a good idea to get your veterinarian to show you how. Before you know it you will be the expert! You will also need to clean and trim their toenails weekly. This is easily done with a regular baby wipe You will also need to give a little extra care to their eyes. Because they have no eyelashes. They do occasionally need their eyes to be cleaned with a few drops of artificial tears then followed by a gentle wiping with a washcloth. Do not use regular eye drops on your cat. Only the artificial tears.


Sphynx cats and Sphynx kittens should be fed premium foods. The Sphynx do eat a little more than a “hairy” cat due to their lack of body hair. They have a higher metabolism and need to eat a little more to maintain it. Never resort to “cheap” grocery store brands of food to feed your Sphynx cat or Sphynx kitten. Cats and kittens always remain healthier when fed a high-quality diet. Always be sure to provide lots of fresh clean water for your cat every day. The Sphynx cats and Sphynx kittens love fresh water.

Litter Box

We use and like covered litter boxes the best. The Sphynx kitten you will be adopting will already be litter box trained. However, when you get him/her home you will need to show your new kitten the location of the litter box in your house. Be sure to bring them to it several times the first day you bring them home. As you have read before, the Sphynx are highly intelligent and will learn the location of the litter box in your home very quickly.
Always be sure to clean the litter box out daily. Cats do not like using a dirty one! Also sanitize weekly with a solution of bleach and water.


The Sphynx is an INDOOR CAT ONLY. Because they lack body hair, they will sunburn easily. Sphynx cats and kittens like to stay warm in your home. They prefer temperatures to be at least 70 degrees. Cats also like to sit in a sunny window whenever possible. There are specially made kitty window perches for those of you that do not have wide windowsills. The Sphynx prefer temperatures of at least 70 degrees and above. Under 70 degrees, they tend to get cold. Always provide warm bedding for your Sphynx cat. They will appreciate it!


The Sphynx breed in general is a very healthy cat. They do not suffer from any diseases or health-related problems that differ from any other breed of cat. The Sphynx, when cared for properly do not have any severe dental problems, or suffer from ear infections. All cats, especially purebreds, will need to have their teeth cleaned starting around the age of two. Always be sure to take your cat to the vet for a yearly checkup. The Sphynx can live long a long healthy life. Often into their teens or early twenties. There are many household items that can be very dangerous to your cat or kitten.


All kittens need to be vaccinated according to the schedule provided by your veterinarian. Cat vaccines protect against feline distemper, upper respiratory infections and rabies. Veterinarians usually recommend giving kittens a series of vaccinations starting when the kitten is six to eight weeks old, and continuing every three to four weeks until the kitten is about four months old.