Cat Breeds: Beauty Rules in Many Varieties

Longhaired cat breeds, shorthaired cat breeds, or even hairless. Bright, black, brown, silvery. Flat nose, bushy tail, no tail. All felines have their characteristics.
For centuries felines were just seen as utility animals or companions. With the start of cat shows in Britain in the 19th century, beauty started to rule. The concept of breeds came into existence.

First local breeds were developed. Manx cats are one of the oldest. With the arrival of Siamese cats, more exotic breeds became fashionable.

The term cat breed is now applied to felines with a unique body conformation, a distinctive temperament, type of hair and color pattern.

The origin is very important too. Cat breeding is a Western phenomenon. The more exotic a cat’s origin is, the more likely the cat is qualified as a breed.

Associations and governing bodies of a country decide whether a cat may be registered as a member of a breed.

How many breeds are there?
It depends on the country. The American CFA recognizes 37 pedigreed breeds for showing in the Championship Class, and four breeds as Miscellaneous. Their British counterpart also lists over thirty cat breeds and several varieties.

A pure-bred cat is registered with a responsible body like the Cat Fanciers’ Association in the USA or the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in Britain.

The breeder is responsible for the registration of a newborn kitten. The date of birth, ancestry, and description are some of the details the breeder has to record.

Owning a pure-bred cat is particularly popular in North America. Nowadays the United States are considered to be the most important country when it comes to cat breeding.

There are professional breeders in many countries, but the financial rewards of cat breeding are limited. Many breeders can’t make a living. They treat it as a hobby.

It is estimated that less than one percent of all cats in the world are pedigreed cats.
A Siamese look is not enough to be Siamese. The cat is only a member of a particular breed if the cat’s parents were registered cats of that breed too.

So, the pregnancy of your Persian cat does not mean your queen will have little Persian kitties. If you don’t know the male that made your cat pregnant, the kittens cannot be considered to belong to a certain breed.

Most cats are ‘just’ domestic cats: mixes of all kinds. There is nothing wrong with that. They can be just as beautiful as a pure-bred cat. Cat lovers will say that cats are noble anyway!

If you want to buy a cat of a certain breed, there are some points to consider.
Longhairs need a lot of grooming. They ask for time and patience from their owner. They are also not recommended for people who are sensitive to cat hair. A shorthaired kitten is a better choice then.

If you wish to buy a kitten for breeding or showing it is essential that the cat is correctly bred and registered. In this case, you will have to buy from a registered breeder.

Every cat, whatever its origin, can be an excellent companion if the cat is brought up the right way.
You cannot say that one breed is better than another. Some say that certain breeds, for example, the Siamese, are better company than others. But there are also cat owners saying ragdoll cats are the most family-friendly.

Although cat breeds have a specific temperament, they are all felines, with feline characteristics.