Biting Kittens Ask For Toys And Playmates

Biting kittens are no fun. But if you react the right way, you can reduce the attacks and its consequences.

Cats are predators and biting, just like scratching, is simply part of their development – although you may consider it unpleasant cat behavior. Kittens bite more than adult cats. Very often this happens when you play with your little friend.

Important advice to start with: use cat toys, shoelaces or other objects when you play.

And here is another, probably even more important tip:

Don’t make your kitten think your hand is the target!

Watch your cat’s tail. Felines are very predictable. If they start twitching their tail from side to side while observing their prey, an attack is underway.

Your kitten may try to bite your hand while playing. The best you can do is to keep your hand in the same position. Do not jerk it away. You only encourage your kitten to bite, because it will see your hand as a moving prey and chase it. Rather give it a loud and clear ‘No!’, stop playing and turn your back. Your kitten will learn that it went too far.

Give your kitten cat toys to put its teeth in.

Kittens will bite anyway. They need an outlet for their energy, playfulness and aggression. It’s best to give it a toy.

Soft toys are the best recommendation. They do not damage the teeth and – all biting kittens will thank you – resemble the skin of a prey.

Unfortunately, toys do not always do the trick. Some kittens are extreme biters. In that case a living playmate might be worth considering. In other words: get yourself a second kitten!

It may be a strange advice, but it often works wonderfully to reduce a cat’s aggression towards people.

A bite may also have a medical ground.

If your kitten for apparent reason bites when you touch her, it may be because of a tender spot or injury. Take your cat to the vet if this reaction persists.

Most of the time cat bites do not really harm people. But sometimes biting kittens can be dangerous.

Biting kittens may break your skin.

Wash the wound with soap to remove bacteria. Cats are clean animals. But a cat’s mouth is full of bacteria that can be harmful. So there is always a small risk that you get an infection after a kitten’s bite.

If a wound starts to look worse or gets painful, go see your doctor. Antibiotic treatment may be needed.

Do not lie awake. One day biting kittens will likely become calm adult cats.